17:11duration 17 minutes 11 seconds
CAD F20 - Weaving Patterns
In this video, we take advantage of our grid and…
10:25duration 10 minutes 25 seconds
CAD F20 - Woven Swatch Doc Set-Up
In this 10-minute video, we set up guides that we…
34:56duration 34 minutes 56 seconds
APD - PS Plaid Weave
In this 35-minute video, we use the Rectangle…
29:33duration 29 minutes 33 seconds
APD - PS Weave Patterns
In this 30-minute video, we go over basic…
09:14duration 9 minutes 14 seconds
FDOL F20 - Dry Felting Onto Textile
In this 10-minute video, we learn how to needle…