Search for tag: "pixel"

PS Repeat Print - Act 4

This video walks us through applying a color to our background, merging all our smart objects layers, and finally offsetting our print to identify any area requiring extra graphics.

From  Nicholas Champroux 0 likes 0  

PS Repeat Print - Act 3

In this video, we copy-paste our Illustrator graphics into Photoshop. We resize and rotate our objects using the Input Method to make our transformations as consistent as possible.

From  Nicholas Champroux 0 likes 0  

PS S20 - PS Concepts

In this 15-minute video, we introduce some basic concepts about color mode, resolution, and pixels versus vectors.

From  Nicholas Champroux 0 likes 0  

APD - PS Plaid Weave

In this 35-minute video, we use the Rectangle tool in Photoshop to lay overlapping vertical and horizontal prints. We then apply various woven texture to test the result of various weaves. We finally…

From  Nicholas Champroux 0 likes 0  

APD - PS Weave Patterns

In this 30-minute video, we go over basic concepts that will come handy when we're ready to 'weave' our plaid. This includes CTRL+Select, Inverse Selection, and Edit Define Pattern.

From  Nicholas Champroux 0 likes 0