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This video shows how to use truth tables to assess logical concepts such as tautology, contradiction, contingency, logical equivalence, consistency, and validity.

From  Nathan Smith 0 likes 0  


This short movie demonstrates a step by step method to evaluate arguments in English, by translating them into symbolic form and applying the truth table method.

From  Nathan Smith 0 likes 0  


This video walks through some short proofs in sentential logic, using the basic rules for proof.

From  Nathan Smith 0 likes 0  

Truth Tables for the Logical Operators

This video explains the truth tables for each of the five operators in sentential logic.

From  Nathan Smith 0 likes 0  

Basic Rules for Proofs

This video explains the 7 basic rules of proof for sentential logic.

From  Nathan Smith 0 likes 0  

More Proofs Using Subproofs

Dr. Smith works through two more examples of proofs using the subproof method.

From  Nathan Smith 0 likes 0  


This video provides an introduction to subproofs: conditional proof and indirect proof. The video provides several examples of proofs using the subproof method.

From  Nathan Smith 0 likes 0  


This video provides a general overview of the concept of proofs in sentential logic. It demonstrates the use of a proof in a natural language (English) setting and it introduces the basic procedure…

From  Nathan Smith 0 likes 0  

Inductive and Deductive Arguments

This short video presents the distinction between inductive and deductive arguments.

From  Nathan Smith 0 likes 0  

Validity and Soundness

This video explains the basic logical concepts of validity and soundness.

From  Nathan Smith 0 likes 0