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Dosages 9.11

11. How much water is in a 250 cc feeding that is one-half strength?

From  Marisol Montemayor 0 likes 0  

Dosages q10.6 and q10.7

A continuous drip feeding with Ensure is ordered. Ensure provides 250 cal/ 8 oz. The feeding (Ensure and water) is to provide 1500 cc/ 1000 cal per day. 6. How many cans of…

From  Marisol Montemayor 0 likes 0  

Dosages 9.8

8. How much water is in a 225 cc feeding that is 75% strength?

From  Marisol Montemayor 0 likes 0  

Dosages q1.15

60 cc = ? oz

From  Marisol Montemayor 0 likes 0  

Dosages 9.12

12. In a solution of 400 cc of three-fourth strength Jevity, what is the CV?

From  Marisol Montemayor 0 likes 0  

Dosages 11.27

27. What strength solution will you have if you add 60 cc of H20 to a 240 cc can of Ensure?

From  Marisol Montemayor 0 likes 0  

Dosages 11.29

29. What strength solution will you have if you add 80 cc of H20 to a 240 cc can of Ensure?

From  Marisol Montemayor 0 likes 0  

Dosages 9.7

7. Supply is a 240 cc can of 100% Sustacal. How much water will be needed to administer a total of 240 cc of half-strength Sustacal?

From  Marisol Montemayor 0 likes 0  

Dosages 9.6

6. Supply is 480 cc of full-strength Sustacal. 120 cc water is added. What is the strength of the resulting solution ?

From  Marisol Montemayor 0 likes 0  

Dosages q10.14

14. Mrs. M. is receiving Ensure Plus via NG tube at 60 cc/ hr. Ensure Plus delivers 375 cal/ 8 oz. What is Mrsl M's daily caloric intake?

From  Marisol Montemayor 0 likes 0  

Dosages 11.30

30. If there are 30 calories/oz., how many calories are in a 200 cc feeding that is 3/4 strength?

From  Marisol Montemayor 0 likes 0  

Dosages 9.4

4. What strength solution will result if 80 cc of water is added to a 240cc can of 100% Ensure?

From  Marisol Montemayor 0 likes 0  

Dosages 11.26

26. You have 180 cc cans of full strength Sustacal. How much water and how much Sustacal do you mix toadminister a feeding of 80 cc of 1/4 strength Sustacal?

From  Marisol Montemayor 0 likes 0  

Dosages 9.13

13. If there is 100 cc water in a 2/3 strength feeding solution, what is the TV?

From  Marisol Montemayor 0 likes 0  

Dosages q10.18

18. Mr. D is on a Heparin drip for thrombophlebitis. The order reads D5 1/2 NS (1000 cc) with 20, 000 units heparin at 60 cc/ hr. How many units of heparin is Mr. D. receiving per hour?

From  Marisol Montemayor 0 likes 0  

Dosages 9.5

5. On hand is a 180 cc can of 100% Enrich. How much water is needed to give a 180 cc feeding of one-fourth strength Enrich?

From  Marisol Montemayor 0 likes 0