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Record or Not Record - That is the Question

Record or Not Record - That is the Question. This video will discuss the advantage of not recording your live lectures and focuses on a more practical alternative.

From  Richard Gosselin 0 likes 1  

Dosages 8.15

15. Order: Infuse regular insulin 200 u IV in 500 mL NS at 25 mL/hr. How many units per hour is the patient receiving?

From  Marisol Montemayor 0 likes 0  

Dosages 8.5

5. Order: Pronestyl 250 mg IV in 500 mL D5W at 4 mg/hr What is the flow rate in mL/hr?

From  Marisol Montemayor 0 likes 0  

Dosages 8.10

10. Order: Add 10,000 units Heparin to 500 mL D5W and infuse at 100 u/hr IV. Flow rate: _____ mL/hr

From  Marisol Montemayor 0 likes 0  

Dosages 8.14

14. Order: Heparin 25,000 units IV in 250 mL D5W to infuse at 6 mL per hour. How many units per hour is the patient receiving?

From  Marisol Montemayor 0 likes 0  

Dosages 8.9

9. Order: 100 units regular insulin IV in 250 mL 0.9%NS to infuse at 12 u/hr Flow rate: _____ mL/hr

From  Marisol Montemayor 0 likes 0  

Dosages q5.6

6. Order: Ringer's Lactate 1000 mL over 12 hours using an infusion pump.Flow rate: _________ mL/hr

From  Marisol Montemayor 0 likes 0  

Labor Markets and Income - Calculating the Marginal Cost of Labor

Labor Market and Income - Calculating the Marginal Cost of Labor

From  Richard Gosselin 0 likes 0  

Dosages 8.19

19. Order: 50,000 units Heparin IV in 250 mL NS to infuse at 6 mL/hr Safe infusion rate is 1000 units per hour Is the ordered dosage safe?

From  Marisol Montemayor 0 likes 0  

Dosages 8.16

16. Order: Nipride 50 mg IV in 250 mL D5W to infuse at 60 mL/hr How many mg/hr is the patient receiving?

From  Marisol Montemayor 0 likes 0  

Dosages q5.2

2. Order: D5W 1000 mL q6h IVWhat is the flow rate if there is an infusion pump?________ mL/hr

From  Marisol Montemayor 0 likes 0  

Dosages q5.19

19. At 0800 the patient has 400 mL IV solution infusing at 75 mL/hr. At what time do you anticipate the IV bag will be empty?

From  Marisol Montemayor 0 likes 0  

Dosages q5.10

10. Infuse 1 g Kefzol in 50 mL D5W over 20 min.Set the PLUM infusion pump at ________mL/hr.

From  Marisol Montemayor 0 likes 0  

Dosages 8.3

3. Order: Aminophylline 1 g IV 500 mL D5W to infuse at 20 mg/hr Set the infusion pump at _____ mL/hr

From  Marisol Montemayor 0 likes 0  

Economic Growth - Output Per Hour Worked

Economic Growth - Output Per Hour Worked

From  Richard Gosselin 0 likes 0  

Dosages q10.14

14. Mrs. M. is receiving Ensure Plus via NG tube at 60 cc/ hr. Ensure Plus delivers 375 cal/ 8 oz. What is Mrsl M's daily caloric intake?

From  Marisol Montemayor 0 likes 0