Search for tag: "behavior"

Aristotle on Happiness

This is a brief lecture covering, roughly, Book 1 of Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics where he demonstrates how happiness is the highest good of human action and how the virtuous action of the…

From  Nathan Smith 1 likes 1  

Oligopoly - Comparing Demand Curves

Oligopoly - Comparing Demand Curves. Image provided by OpenStax.

From  Richard Gosselin 0 likes 0  

Monetary Policy and Bank Regulation - Bank Runs

Monetary Policy and Bank Regulation - Bank Runs

From  Richard Gosselin 0 likes 0  

Chapter 6: Probability - Introduction (Part 1)

I introduce the concept behind probability and why we use it in human sciences to help answer research questions.

From  Katherine Bruton 0 likes 0  

Oligopoly - Kinked Demand Curve Model

Oligopoly - Kinked Demand Curve Model. Image provided by OpenStax.

From  Richard Gosselin 0 likes 0  

Back to the Foodture Spring 2023 Team 1

From  Lauran Kerr-Heraly 0 likes 0  

The Strange Case of Running Red Lights

The Strange Case of Running Red Lights

From  Richard Gosselin 1 likes 0  

Smoking as a Negative Externality

Smoking as a Negative Externality

From  Richard Gosselin 0 likes 0  

Changing Lanes and Raising Utility

Changing Lanes and Raising Utility. This material in this video was adapted from "Principles of Economics" which is entrusted to the UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA LIBRARIES PUBLISHING EDITION,…

From  Richard Gosselin 0 likes 0  

CTLE Coffee Corner- Powerful Student Engagement Ideas (edited)

Ways to keep your students engaged

From 0 likes 0  

Aristotle's Virtue Ethics in a Nutshell by Alexandrine Makhoul

Short video explaining Aristotle's virtue ethics by Fall 2019 student, Alaxandrine Makhoul.

From  Nathan Smith 0 likes 0  

1314 3.4.11

Graph f(x) = 2x^3 + 5x^2 - x - 6

From  Marisol Montemayor 0 likes 0  

CDEC 1319 Finding Journal Articles in HCC Library Databases

This informative 60 minute video is designed to help students search the HCC libraries' licensed databases of magazine, newspaper, and journal articles (and much more!) for academic research…

From  Marlinda Karo 0 likes 0  

1314 3.4.10

End Behavior

From  Marisol Montemayor 0 likes 0  

1314 3.4.9

Turning Points

From  Marisol Montemayor 0 likes 0  

Ultimatum Game

The ultimatum game is explored to more fully examine the rationality assumption and the theory of utility maximization. It also takes a hard look at the issue of fairness and its role in economic…

From  Richard Gosselin 0 likes 0