Search for tag: "whi"

Escape Room Overview for Kit

Play this video before participants play the escape room kit.

From  Lauran Kerr-Heraly 0 likes 0  

HCC Art Car Bikes Take Grand Trophy in 2019 Parade

Led by Ashley Hope, Studio Arts Instructor and Resident Artist of the West Houston Institute, the Art Car Cooperative entry -- Titled: “Skybound Enterprises" Themed: "Soaring…

From  Jennifer Gardner 0 likes 0  

Art Car at WHi HCCTV_UTTM May06_2021

Up To The Minute spotlights HCC’s Art Car for its “Virtual Family Fun Day,” featuring the District-wide collaboration blending artistic creativity and scientific technology. Israel…

From  Jennifer Gardner 0 likes 0  

LineByLine Episode 5 Featuring Art Car and WHI Collaboration

(Recorded pre-COVID-19 Shutdown, February 2020)Ashley Hope, Art professor, and Israel Garza, West Houston Institute, talk with host Dr. Toni Rao-Southerlan about how WHI is moving forward combining…

From  Jennifer Gardner 0 likes 0  

Art Car Chat | Dean Reilly and Professor Hope Remember the Saga from Vision to Awards

HCC’s Art Car is the culmination of the STEAM Artist in Residency at the West Houston Institute made possible with the support of Dr. Ewen, Dr. Hodges, and Dr. Perez under the artistic…

From  Jennifer Gardner 0 likes 0