New Kaltura Live Room Whiteboard
From Lynden Marshall
From Lynden Marshall
Great news, you can now add multiple whiteboards within the same room. You can also export and import whiteboards, re-use and edit your whiteboard, and participants can share whiteboards in breakout rooms in the main room. To add a whiteboard, from the drop-down, select Create Board. In the create board box, name your new whiteboard. The new whiteboard will appear in the drop-down. Now you have the option of using multiple whiteboards in the room. You also can export or import a whiteboard by simply selecting the option from the menu dropdown on the right of the current whiteboard. To export, click on export whiteboard and the selected whiteboard will be saved in your selected file. To import a whiteboard, select import whiteboard and then you can drag and drop the whiteboard you would like to import, or, you can select the whiteboard from your computer. Once you have imported a whiteboard, it will appear in the whiteboard drop-down menu. This concludes creating multiple whiteboards.