Foodture Overview
From Lauran Kerr-Heraly
From Lauran Kerr-Heraly
Back to the Foodture is a multi-disciplinary project at Houston Community College. It brings together pastry, history, English, and science students and professors. Pastry students choose and make a recipe, history students recount the history of the dish, English students write a white paper about the project, and science students explain the biological and chemical components of the dish, the effects on the body, and/or safe handling of the ingredients. Students create a collaborative video, each filming and explaining their various parts. Finally, a competition is held at the HCC Culinary building where videos are shown, and pastries are judged.
The following can be applied to the Fall or Spring term:
4-week mark: Nominate students and choose teams; teams meet
5-week mark: Pastry students select a dish; Other students begin research
6-week mark: Students take a video filming/editing tutorial
7-week mark: Rough draft of research/script due to mentors
8-week mark: Film video
9-week mark: Submit video to mentors; finalize plans
11-week mark: Competition and presentation time!