Media analytics can be helpful in supporting students and help you create effective media. To begin, select My Media. Locate the media you want analytics for and click on the analytics’ icon to the right. This will take you to the analytics dashboard. On this page you have the options to export or filter the data collected. You also have the option to view the analytics by a preset duration or a specific date range. Next is a quick view of Player Impressions (this is how many times the media was loaded), the number of plays, the number of unique viewers, total of minutes viewed, and the average completion rates. Below the video, you can see the timeline to analyze time spent watching the video. Below the timeline panel, you have access to View engagement by viewer. The Video performance over time panel displays a graph for each data set. It allows you to view full details by clicking on the View Details link. Further down the page, you have the How player impressions lead to engagement graph. This shows you a graph of how many viewers were engaged by percentages. You can see the top countries where the media was viewed. You have access to what devices where used to view the content. There are also details about the domain in which the media was accessed from. If you found this tutorial helpful, please share it with someone who can benefit from using this tool. This concludes using media analytics.